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Technology – Distance Education

NCPSA Commission on Instructional Technology and Distance Learning

Recognizing the rapid emergence of technology in the 21st century schools, NCPSA is committed to the same high standards for instructional technology and distance education as it has upheld for all other areas of education.

Strong student-teacher relationships serve as a catalyst for lasting and responsible learning. Technology can serve as an adjunct and aid to teaching, but should not be perceived as a substitute for good teaching. The use of technology in education is constantly evolving. Over time teachers will continue to develop effective uses of technology to enhance learning.

Quality student learning is the goal to all NCPSA accreditation efforts. These documents are provided to assist member associations in acheiving these high standards.

Technology Guides for Schools


Technology for Learning: A Guidebook for Change (PDF download), is an excellent resource that offers practical advice on using technology effectively in today’s schools.


Technology Integration Professional Development Guide (Edutopia, George Lucas Educational Foundation)


Contact Information

Ash Pugh
Commission Chair

James Grunwald 
Commission Vice Chair