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ITFCP Resources

NCPSA & The International Taskforce on Child Protection

Helpful resources from CIS, the taskforce and other organizations.


International Taskforce on Child Protection and the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC) have joined forces to provide resources on how to prevent and respond to child abuse, neglect, and sexual exploitation wherever you are in the world. The ICMEC Education Portal provides educators with resources and guidance on all child protection topics including writing and evaluating policies, developing safer recruitment practices, and educating staff, parents, and students on prevention and response to abuse when it does occur. Watch a video tour of the Education Portal to start your learning.



Abuse of children by adults in positions of trust is a significant risk facing schools and other organizations around the world. While it is possible to manage allegations effectively, the reality on the ground is that many allegations are being, and have been, handled poorly by schools, sometimes with little or no support from external agencies. The result is that some abusers have been able to move on without challenge. This protocol is the ITFCP’s and the Safeguarding Unit’s combined response to this.


This article sets out some of the challenges faced by international school leaders when managing allegations of child abuse by educators and other adults; provides an overview of the protocol; and sets out how schools can use the protocol to manage allegations effectively.

*For additional information see CIS International Taskforce on Child Protection, Resources.